

Return Value






GetCollectiblesByQuality(integer quality)







SetCollectibleSprite(EntityPickup collectible, string? spriteSheet)



boolean CollectibleHasFlag(CollectibleTypecollectibleType,ItemConfigTag flag)

Helper function to check if a collectible type has a given flag


boolean CollectibleSpriteEquals(Spritesprite1,Sprite sprite2)

Helper function to check if two collectible sprites are the same.


integer GetCollectibleDevilCoinPrice(CollectibleType collectibleType)

Helper function to get the coin cost a collectible would have if it were being offered as a Devil Room Deal.


PickupPrice GetCollectibleDevilHeartPrice(CollectibleTypecollectibleType,EntityPlayer player)

Helper function to get the heart cost a collectible would have if it were being offered as a Devil Room Deal.


CollectibleIndex GetCollectibleIndex(EntityPickup collectible)

@class CollectibleIndex Mods may have to keep track of data relating to a collectible. Finding an index for these kinds of data structures is difficult, since collectibles are respawned every time a player re-enters a room (like all other pickups), so the PtrHash will change. Use this function to get a unique index for a collectible to use in these data structures. Collectibles are a special case of pickups: they cannot be pushed around. (They actually can be pushed, but usually will stay on the same grid index.) Thus, it is possible to generate a somewhat reliable non-stateful index for collectibles. We use a 4-tuple of the room list index, the grid index of the collectible in the room, the collectible's SubType, and the collectible's InitSeed. Collectibles that are shifted by Tainted Isaac's mechanic will have unique collectible indexes because the SubType is different. (The collectible entities share the same InitSeed and PtrHash.) Collectibles that are rolled (with e.g. a D6) will have unique collectible indexes because the SubType and InitSeed are different. If you want to track collectibles independently of any rerolls, then you can use the PtrHash as an index instead. (The PtrHash will not persist between rooms, however.) Note that: - The grid index is a necessary part of the collectible index because Diplopia and Crooked Penny can cause two or more collectibles with the same SubType and InitSeed to exist in the same room. - This index will fail in the case where the player uses Diplopia or a successful Crooked Penny seven or more times in the same room, since that will cause two or more collectibles with the same grid index, SubType, and InitSeed to exist. (More than seven is required in non-1x1 rooms.) - The SubType is a necessary part of the collectible index because Tainted Isaac will continuously cause collectibles to morph into new sub-types with the same InitSeed. - Using a collectible's position as part of the index is problematic, since players can push a pedestal. (Even using the grid index does not solve this problem, since it is possible in certain cases for collectibles to be spawned at a position that is not aligned with the grid, and the pedestal pushed to an adjacent tile, but this case should be extremely rare.) - Mega Chests spawn two collectibles on the exact same position. However, both of them will have a different InitSeed, so this is not a problem for this indexing scheme. - The indexing scheme used is different for collectibles that are inside of a Treasure Room or Boss Room, in order to handle the case of the player seeing the same collectible again in a post-Ascent Treasure Room or Boss Room. A 5-tuple of stage, stage type, grid index, SubType, and InitSeed is used in this case. (Using the room list index or the room grid index is not suitable for this purpose, since both of these values can change in the post-Ascent rooms.) Even though Treasure Rooms and Boss Rooms are grouped together in this scheme, there probably will not be collectibles with the same grid index, SubType, and InitSeed.


number GetCollectibleMaxCharges(CollectibleType collectibleType)

Helper function to get the maximum amount of charges that a collectible has. Returns 0 if the provided collectible type was not valid.


ItemConfig_Item[] GetCollectibles()

Returns a list with all items currently loaded. Use only inside a callback or not all modded items may be loaded.


ItemConfig_Item[] GetCollectiblesByQuality(integer quality)

Returns a list of all items of a certain quality. Use only inside a callback or not all modded items may be loaded.


ItemConfig_Item[] GetCollectiblesWithTag(ItemConfigTag ...)

Returns a list of all items that have all the given tags. Use only inside a callback or not all modded items may be loaded.


ItemConfig_Item[] GetModdedCollectibles()

Returns a list of all modded items currently loaded. Use only inside a callback or not all modded items may be loaded.


ItemConfig_Item[] GetVanillaCollectibles()

Returns a list of all vanilla items.


boolean IsBlindCollectible(EntityPickup collectible)

Returns true if the collectible has a red question mark sprite. Note that this function will not work properly in a render callback with the render mode set to RenderMode.WATER_REFLECT.


boolean IsGlitchedCollectible(EntityPickup collectible)

Returns true if the collectible is a glitched item, like because of the effect of TMTRAINER.


boolean IsModdedColllectible(CollectibleType collectibleType)

Returns true if the collectible type corresponds a modded item.


boolean IsPassiveCollectible(CollectibleType collectibleType)

Returns true if the collectible is either ITEM_PASSIVE or ITEM_FAMILIAR.


void SetCollectibleBlind(EntityPickup collectible)

Helper function to set a collectible sprite to a red question mark.


void SetCollectibleGlitched(EntityPickup collectible)

Helper function to change a collectible into a glitched one.


void SetCollectibleSprite(EntityPickup collectible, string? spriteSheet)

Helper function to change the sprite of a collectible pedestal


void SetCollectibleSubType(EntityPickupcollectible,CollectibleType newSubType)

Helper function to change the collectible in a pedestal. If COLLECTIBLE_NULL is given as the new subtype, it'll try removing the item, as if the player had already picked it. Check TSIL.Collectibles.TryRemoveCollectible() for more information.


boolean TryRemoveCollectible(EntityPickup collectible)

Empties an item pedestal as if a player had already picked it up. If it's a shop item, it removes it completely.

Last updated