

Return Value




GetRandomElementsFromTable(T[] toChoose, integer? numberOfElements? = 1, `integer


GetRandomFloat(number The lower bound for the random number (inclusive). min, number The upper bound for the random number (exclusive) max, `integer


GetRandomInt(integer The lower bound for the random number (inclusive). min, integer The upper bound for the random number (inclusive) max, `number



number GetRandom(integer | RNG? seedOrRNG = tsil.rng.getrandomseed() )

This returns a random float between 0 and 1. It is inclusive on the low end, but exclusive on the high end. (This is because the RNG.RandomFloat method will never return a value of exactly 1.)


T GetRandomElementFromWeightedList(integer | RNG seedOrRNG, {chance : number, value : T}[] possibles)

Returns a random value from a weighted list of possibilities. Each choice must be given as a pair of chance and value. {chance = x, value = y}


T[] GetRandomElementsFromTable(T[] toChoose, integer? numberOfElements? = 1, integer | RNG? seedOrRNG = tsil.rng.getrandomseed() )

Returns n randomly selected elements from a table.


number GetRandomFloat(number The lower bound for the random number (inclusive). min, number The upper bound for the random number (exclusive) max, integer | RNG? seedOrRNG = tsil.rng.getrandomseed() )

This returns a random float between min and max.


integer GetRandomInt(integer The lower bound for the random number (inclusive). min, integer The upper bound for the random number (inclusive) max, number | RNG? seedOrRNG = tsil.rng.getrandomseed(), integer Optional. An array of elements that will be skipped over when getting the random integer. For example, a min of 1, a max of 4, and an exceptions array of[2] woudl cause the function to return either 1, 3, or 4. Default is an empty array. exceptions)

This returns a random integer between min and max. It is inclusive on both ends. Note that this function will run the Next method on the RNG object before returning the random number.

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