

Return Value



number GetTime()

Helper function to get the current time for benchmarking / profiling purposes. The return value will either be in seconds or milliseconds, depending on if the "--luadebug" flag is turned on or not. If the "--luadebug" flag is present, then this function will use the socket.gettime method, which returns the epoch timestamp in seconds (e.g. "1640320492.5779"). This is preferable over the more conventional Isaac.GetTime method, since it has one extra decimal point of precision. If the "--luadebug" flag is not present, then this function will use the Isaac.GetTime method, which returns the number of milliseconds since the computer's operating system was started (e.g. "739454963").


string GetTraceback()

Helper function to get a stack trace. This will only work if the --luadebug launch option is enabled.


boolean IsDebugModeActive(DebugMode mode)

Helper function to check if a debug mode is active.


boolean IsLuaDebugEnabled()

Players can boot the game with an launch option called "--luadebug", which will enable additional functionality that is considered to be unsafe. For more information about this flag, see the wiki: When this flag is enabled, the global environment will be slightly different. The differences are documented here: This function uses the package global variable as a proxy to determine if the "--luadebug" flag is enabled or not.


void Traceback()

Helper function to print a stack trace to the "log.txt" file, similar to JavaScript's console.trace function. This will only work if the --luadebug launch option is enabled

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